Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Red black trees here.

Diagram of binary tree. The black root node has two red children and four black grandchildren. The child nodes of the grandchildren are either black nil pointers or red nodes with black nil pointers.
An example of a red–black tree

Thursday, May 3, 2012

class Queue<T>
SLL<T> list = new SLL<T>();
public int size() { return list.size(); }
public void enqueue(T t) { list.addAtTail(t); }
public T dequeue(void) { return list.removeFront(); }

class Stack<T>
SLL<T> list = new SLL<T>();
public int size() { return list.size(); }
public void push(T t) { list.addAtFront(t); }
public T dequeue(void) { return list.removeFront(); }

class Stack<T>
ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
public int size() { return list.size(); }
public void push(T t) { list.add(list.size(), t); }
public T pop(void) { return list.remove(list.size()); }

class Stack<T> extends SLL<T>
public int size() { return super.size(); }
public void push(T t) { addAtFront(t); }
public T dequeue(void) { return removeFront(); }

// NOT adapter pattern
class Stack<T>
SLNode<T> head, tail;
void push(T t) {
SLNode n = new Node<T>(t,head);
head = n;
T pop() {
SLNode n = head;
head = head.next;
return n.value;

class PQ<T>
Comparator<T> comp;
SLL<T> list = new SLL<T>();
PQ(Comparator<T> c)
comp = c;
void enqueue(T t) { list.insertAtEnd(t); }
T dequeue()
T theMin = list.getFirstItem();
for (T element : list)
if(comp.compare(theMin, element) < 0)
theMin = element;
// change to explicit iterator
for (T element : list)
if(comp.compare(theMin, element) == 0)
return theMin;